Warm light on Piazza san Marco

On our way back to our hotel, after a long morning of photography, we had to cross Piazza San Marco. Just before we entered the Piazza, the most wonderful golden light met us. Photo by: Jacob Surland, www.caughtinpixels.com Licensed creative commons non-commercial v4.0. No derivative Work. Protected by Pixsy.com.

A passage leading into the Piazza San Marco in Venice. You can see the Palace of the Doge in the far distance.

On our way back to our hotel, after a long morning of photography in Venice, we had to cross Piazza San Marco to get back to our hotel. Just before we entered the Piazza, the most wonderful golden light met us. And even though I had stopped shooting, I put up my tripod once more.

The dynamic range is incredibly high in a photo like this, because of the dark passage and the sunrise exploding on Piazza San Marco. It requires shooting some extra stops to cover all light. I shot this both from -4 to +2 and from -5 to +1. As I got home, I can see, that the correct thing to do, would have been to shoot from -5 to +3, that would have been nine shots using my Nikon D800. But, as you can see I managed with a little bit less.

Photo by: Jacob Surland, www.caughtinpixels.com Licensed creative commons non-commercial v4.0. No derivative Work. Protected by Pixsy.com.

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